10 healthy foods to always have at home

05 | 04 | 2022
10 healthy foods to always have at home

For centuries, inappropriate nutritional states have undermined human health causing disease. Before the problem was malnutrition and now, at the opposite pole, obesity.

Although there are no miracle foods, the importance of eating a balanced diet is indisputable.

This is what is called the one that covers all the individual needs of the different nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids (fats), minerals, vitamins and water. At the same time that it provides us with the energy we need, neither more nor less.

Within this balance, we have recently identified certain nutrients and substances present in food that function as protective factors and promoters of health.

1 tomato

baskets with tomatoes



The truly important thing about tomato is its content of vitamins and minerals

Of all the vegetables and vegetables within our reach, it is worth highlighting the tomato.

It belongs to the nightshade family, and is very rich in water (almost 95% of its weight), providing only 20 calories per 100 grams.

This low calorie intake is due to its low content of carbohydrates (3.5 grams), proteins (1 gram) and fats (0.1 grams).

Although the truly important thing about tomato is its content of vitamins and minerals , especially vitamin C (26 mg per 100 grams).

It is so concentrated that if we eat 150 grams of tomato a day, it is enough to cover 100% of the daily needs of this vitamin for a healthy adult.

We cannot fail to mention lycopene either, a pigment from the carotenoid family that gives tomatoes their characteristic red color (and also watermelon and pink grapefruit).

Lycopene has antioxidant properties . Moreover, different studies have shown that incorporating it regularly into our diet reduces the risk of developing certain tumors (prostate, pancreas, lung and colon).

From what we know so far, it is absorbed quite well from fresh tomatoes, but even better through tomato juice or tomato sauce.

2. Pepper




Peppers should not be missing from your diet.

As a good vegetable that it is, it has a low caloric intake (20 calories per 100 grams), protein and fat, mainly providing carbohydrates and fiber.

This food is also an important source of vitamin C , especially red peppers.

We have not said it before, but vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that, in addition, intervenes in processes as important as the formation of collagen, red blood cells, bones and teeth.

As if that were not enough, it favors the absorption of iron from food and increases resistance against infections.

Peppers also have a high concentration of carotenoids, including capsanthin, another antioxidant pigment.

Nor should we underestimate its provitamin A content, which the body transforms into vitamin A, an essential nutrient for vision, good skin and hair condition, or the proper functioning of the immune system. It even prevents skin cancer.

3. Chickpea

Pot with chickpeas.



The chickpea was discovered 10,000 years ago in Turkey and is said to have been one of the first legumes to be cultivated.

It is a legume of the Fabaceae family, widely distributed in all Mediterranean countries.

Its energy contribution exceeds that of beans or beans, reaching 343 kcal per 100 grams.

It is due to the high content of carbohydrates (55 grams per 100) and fats (5 grams).

And isn't that much fat bad? Absolutely. Because they are 50% monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, or what is the same, heart- healthy .

If we add to this that the chickpea does not contain any cholesterol, this legume really has an ideal fat profile.

The thing does not end there. In addition, its protein content is high (almost 20 grams), it is rich in potassium and potassium phosphorus , and the most prominent vitamin in its composition is folic acid (180 ug)

4. Turkey

A turkey or turkey



The turkey or guajolote is of Mexican origin.

Called "gallina de las Indias" by the Spanish conquerors, it is a native of Mexico from the time of the Aztecs, where it was called "guajalote".

It is part of the white meats, which are characterized by having little fat and low cholesterol . The caloric intake of turkey is moderate: less than 130 calories per 100 grams of thigh and less than 100 calories per 100 grams of breast.

Optimal therefore, for people with high cardiovascular risk.

5. Sardine




In addition to being healthy, sardines are cheap.

Of the fish we prefer this one because it is one of the fatty fish par excellence, which in recent years has received a lot of attention for its contribution of omega-3 acids .

We must not forget that the regular consumption of omega-3 is related to a beneficial effect on inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and oncological pathologies.

With regard to vitamins, this fish has an interesting contribution of fat-soluble vitamins D, E and A.

Vitamin D is very important for our bone metabolism, and vitamins A and E are powerful antioxidants.

It also presents an interesting contribution of water-soluble vitamins of group B , with important functions in the use of energy nutrients.

Among the minerals, its contribution in phosphorus stands out, so important for bone formation: consuming 200 grams of sardines we ingest 100% of the daily recommendations for this mineral.

And its contribution of calcium is important, yes, when consumed with bones.

6. Blueberry




Eating blueberries reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to some studies.

This fruit is almost 90% water and hardly provides any calories.

Its contribution of carbohydrates is low (6 grams per 100), and the percentage of proteins and fats is practically anecdotal (0.6 grams).

What it does provide are significant amounts of fiber (5 grams). Although its nutritional importance has to do above all with antioxidants .

And it is not only rich in vitamin C (22 mg per 100), but also contains abundant anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants.

Anthocyanins give it its characteristic color and, together with oxalic acid or malic acid, are responsible for its characteristic flavor and its antiseptic properties when it comes to preventing and treating urinary infections.

7. Handle




Mangoes are produced in many latitudes.

Another food that should not be missing in our pantry is the fruit of the Mangifera indica tree, from the same botanical family as the pistachio.

It is native to the northwestern region of India (at the foot of the Himalayas).

From a nutritional point of view, its water content is high (almost 85%). It provides 14 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams, and its contribution of fat is practically nil.

As a curiosity, it also provides tartaric and malic acids.

In addition, its abundance of fibers improves intestinal transit.

In the chapter on vitamins, vitamin C stands out, with 37 mg per 100 grams, as well as vitamins A and E.

That makes it another interesting source of antioxidants, which helps us protect our body from aging phenomena, eliminating free radicals.

8. Grape




Grapes provide many calories, but also numerous minerals.

Although unpopular for its high caloric intake (70 calories per 100 grams), it is another interesting food.

It provides potassium (350 mg per 100 grams) and, to a lesser extent, calcium and magnesium.

They also offer a good source of folic acid for pregnant women, and vitamin B6.

As if that were not enough, they provide anthocyanins, flavonoids and tannins, responsible for their color, texture and aroma.

It is attributed to them that this fruit reduces cardiovascular risk, reducing oxidation at the level of the arteries and improving cholesterol levels.

The skin and seeds are rich in resveratrol, with significant antioxidant and anticancer activity.

9. Honey




The Roman poet Horace called it "the golden treasure of the bees".

Sacred to the Egyptians and Greeks, who used it as currency to pay taxes, it has obvious nutritional and healthy qualities .

There are multiple varieties of honey depending on the flower from which it is obtained by bees and the climate of the area in which they live. There are monofloral, multifloral, mountain, desert, dew or forest honeys.

Its caloric intake is around 300 calories per 100 grams at the expense of carbohydrates, providing very little protein and no fat.

This explains why it has traditionally been used topically as an antiseptic , to promote healing and infection prevention in wounds or superficial burns: with so much sugar, it physically destroys bacteria by osmotic lysis.

That is, by swelling them with water, which is attracted by the sugars, until they burst.

10. Olive oil

Olive oil



Too low a price is a red flag.

This star food of the Mediterranean diet could not be missing from our list.

Thanks to its high content of oleic acid (omega 9) it has clear heart-healthy properties.

Scientific evidence indicates that it produces a decrease in bad cholesterol (LDL) and an increase in good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood.

In addition, it contains plenty of vitamin E, which protects the arteries from cholesterol already in the blood, preventing arteriosclerosis.

As an added bonus, extra virgin olive oil hardly seeps into the food during frying .

What's more, it helps to form a crust around food that retains its nutrients, making it the best oil for frying.

In the last decade, the studies published as a result of the PREDIMED study (acronym for the effects of the Mediterranean diet on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease) have shown that regular consumption of olive oil reduces cardiovascular events, fractures secondary to osteoporosis and the development of some tumors, such as breast cancer.

It is even associated with increased longevity.

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